Tag: NAD precursors

  • NAD+ and the Circadian Rhythm 

    Our bodies have a natural 24-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm, which regulates when we sleep and wake, influencing hormone release, our eating habits, and even our mood. This rhythm makes sure our functions are aligned with the external environment, promoting health and well-being.  Interestingly, the molecule NAD+ is essential for the regulation of our…

  • Do top NAD⁺ scientists take NAD⁺ precursors themselves?

    With all the hype around NAD⁺ boosting, with nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR) gaining more and more popularity in webshops, you might be wondering if you should be taking some of these NAD⁺ precursors yourself to be aging healthy. One way to help you decide is to hear if top scientists in the…